Beth is evenly right brained and left brained and has tested as “cerebral.”
She comes from a family of artists.
She has had a career as a Mathematics teacher, an officer in the US Navy, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a programmer, an artist, a videographer, and an author.
Beth has been a successful consultant in the high technology sector, having worked for such companies as Lotus Development, Apple Computer and IBM. She is a talented artist with her works in collections from New York to Australia. Beth's creativity extends into many areas: writing, videography, stained glass, oil painting and acrylics. Beth is focusing on her creativity as she transitions into her next stage of life.
Old Testimonials:
"I've had the pleasure to know and work with Beth for over 10 years. She's honest, articulate, smart, and compassionate, and knows how to work with/motivate people.... Beth is one of the best Agile coaches I have ever met."
--Steve Rabin, CTO
"Beth is one of those rare individuals that REALLY impacts a company. With her expertise in Agile and Scrum methodologies, she boldly and persuasively changed the way development was done for I respect and admire Beth because she's abundantly knowledgeable and accomplished while also being wonderfully personable. --Paul Compton, Creative Director"